Lantec ProductsMonolith - Lantec Products


Monolithic catalyst substrates offer high specific surface and very low pressure drop, for use at high space velocities. Lantec monoliths are available in cell densities ranging from 25 to 400 cpsi.

Custom modules of different shapes and cell densities can also be supplied. Monolithic structures are exceptionally durable with high crush strength when used at temperatures below 1500° F and not subject to severe thermal cycling.

Inexpensive random dumped saddles and spheres are of exceptionally high crush strength even after long periods of exposure to high temperatures.

Catalyst substrates can be supplied to meet a wide range of macroporosity, pore volume, and abrasion loss specifications. A chemical composition of at least 92% alumina with minimal concentrations of iron and sodium assures the catalyst manufacturer the highest quality substrate.

Available in standard sizes up to three inches, these saddles and spheres are engineered to meet the most exacting requirements.
